Sunday, August 12, 2018

Funding a College Education

It's always wonderful to see families pitch in together so a member gets an education.

Such is the case of Taylor Brickhouse of Trenton, NJ, who's the daughter of Randy Brickhouse-Bey, a very active and accommodating Owner and Admin of Opal Solo Ads and many other sites. 

We featured Mr. Brickhouse-Bey last 27 March 2018 on this post

Father and daughter have spoken of a Trump policy that has affected funding to her education. As such, they both worked on continuing her education. Click on this link to see how they both created a way to do so.

Taylor's a very determined and focused young lady out to further and continue her education. She also has a T-shirt site where she created beautiful designs which are Spirit-inspired.
Both parents and daughter are driven by Spirit and good intentions and invite all of us to help the young lady continue her desire to finish college.

Please click on this link to go to her Go Fund Me page.